Happy Halloween!

Hi blog friends.

Happy Halloween!

Last year I remember eating a sickening amount of candy on Halloween and feeling so much remorse and regret the next day. When I think about the 10 pounds I gained between the 2011 Maine marathon and new year 2012, mentally I blame it all on Halloween and thanksgiving and a few Christmas parties.

But I know that isn’t true. It’s a pattern of unhealthy eating, not a few holidays.

I’ve had my up days and down days on this diet. It’s been two weeks and maybe a net loss of … A pound? A half-pound? It’s hard to tell, because the day to day varies so much on the scale.

I am so tired and cranky and hungry. I came home from the gym tonight and had a protein shake and a bowl of popcorn because I was too tired to cook anything. I guess that means my workout achieved my goal, but i don’t feel that way. I don’t feel efficient or capable. I feel tired. And famished. Even though I’ve eaten more than my calorie allotment and more, most days.

I get that weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise, because the restricted diet gives me so much less energy for exercise. But exercise is so much more FUN.

Location:Lisbon St,Lewiston,United States

Pattie Reaves

About Pattie Reaves

I'm a new mom and renegade fitness blogger at After the Couch. I live in Brewer with my husband, Tony, our daughter Felicity, and our two pugs, Georgia and Scoop.